Let the chickpeas soak for 10-12 hours in a pot with cold water and a tablespoon of salt.
Drain them and mix them with baking soda. Let them sit for another half an hour.
After rinsing them well with plenty of running water, put them in a pot and boil them with 1 ½ lt of water. Once it starts boiling, skim off the foam with a spoon.
Add the onion, carrot, bay leaf, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Let them simmer on low heat for one hour and 20 minutes until the chickpeas soften well. If you’re using a pressure cooker, cook for 30 minutes.
Take 2-3 tablespoons of chickpeas with some broth and lemon juice and blend them to make a puree. Pour the cream back into the pot.
Stir to thicken the broth and it’s ready!
Invest in high-quality chickpeas and you will notice the much difference it makes in the result. If you find yourself in a place known for its legumes, it’s worth the extra weight in your luggage.